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Hill Resorts

Himalayan Holiday Spots in the North

Apart from the towns and villages in Kashmir, dealt with separetely under Srinagar in the general section on places of tourist interest in the country, the sub-Himalayan ranges are sprinkled with interesting towns in Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.

Almora, about 1,600 metres above sea level, is perched on a saddle-shaped ride. It is about 370 kms from Delhi and is an old town more than four centuries old. It is different from other hill resorts in the Kumaon Hills in that surrounds Almora is crowned by a temple. Thrilling views of Himalayan peaks are possible in excursions to spots a few kms out of Almora.

Dalhousie, the gateway to Chamba, is in Himachal Pradesh, and is about 500 kms from Delhi. Chamba is the gateway to Tissa and Pangh valleys and is known for its ancient temples and museum which has a good collection of Kangra and Basohli paintings.

Dharamsala, also more than 500 kms from Delhi, is set in the moghty Dhauladhar mountains. It is nearer to the snow line than any other hill resort in India.

Kulu and Manali, lie in "the valley of gods", and are ideal places if one is interested in trekking.

Kasauli, about 290 kms from Delhi, lies on the crest of a hill overlooking the valley of Kalka.

Mussoorie, called the queen of hill resorts in India, is less than 300 kms from Delhi, uphill from Dehra Dun. Visible from here are the peaks of Badrinath, Kedarnath. Banderpoonch, Sri Kanta and Nanda Devi.

Nainital, main holiday resort in the Kumaou Hills, is situated around a mountain lake. About 300 kms from Delhi. Bhim Tal, Naukuchia Tal and Sat Tal are other lakes nearby.

Ranikhet, lovely and peaceful, in the centre of the Kumaon Hills, is about 370 kms from Delhi.

Simla, the former summer capital of India, is now the capital of Himachal Pradesh. About 355 kms from Delhi, Simla is good for treks in summer and sking in winter. It is well organised for winter sports, with the best ice-skating rink in India and also a roller-skating rink.

In Eastern Region

Darjiling, about 600 kms from Calcutta, derives it name from the Tibetan "Dorji Ling," meaning the place of the thunderbolts. Danjiling, which offers a superb view of the majestic Kanchenjunga-and from a little further off-of Mount Everest, is a delightful town where you can see the many friendly hill peoples like the Nepalis, Tibetans, Gurkhas and others. It is 2130 metres above sea level and is the esternmost of the sub-Himalayan town with developed facilities for tourists. Fifty kms from Darjiling is Kalimpang. Places of interest in Kalimpang include St. Andrew's Home, the Kalimpang arts and crafts centre and a Tibetan monastery.

Gangtok, in Sikkim, has as its main attraction the Buddhist monastery in the palace. There are two major ceremonial dances in Gangtok. The Worship of the Snowy Range, dedicated to the lofty Kanchenjunga, takes place usually in August, Losuing, Sikkim's new year, is celebrated some time in December, Masked lamas do a devil dance, recounting the struggle of the demons for the soul of man.

Ukhrul, in Manipur, ois 70 kms from Imphal and can sometimes become as coldas simla.

Shilong, 100 kms from Gauhati, is about 1,220 metres above seal level. It is the capital of Meghalaya (land of the clouds). In and around Shillong are several small streams and scores of waterfalls. About 50 kms away is Cherrapunji which receives the highest rainfall in the world.

Western Region

Lonavala-Khandala, twin hill resorts within five kms of one another are about 128 kms from Bombay, Less than 625 metres high, these resorts do not have the very cold climate obtained in the sub Himalayan towns. Both are also known as Sanatorium towns.

Mahabaleshwar, the highest hill resort (1,372 m) in the Sahyadri ranges of the Western Ghats, is about 257 kms from Bombay by road. It looks out over the Krishna and Koyna valleys. Of interest is Bombay Point from where on clear nights one can see the lights of Bombay across 260 kms.

Matheran, hill station nearest to Bombay 100 kms, is around 803 metres above sea level. The is only jeepable road to Matheran proper, but one drives to Neral which is less than 89 kms from Bombay. From Neral one can trek the 11 kms uphill or go by a mountain railway.

Pachmarhi, in Madhya Pradesh, is 230 kms from Bhopal, and on the Satpura Range. The town derives its name from panch Madhi, five caves where the Pandava brothers of the Mahabharata are believed to have spent a part of their exile.

All the hill resorts mentioned so far in the western region are in Maharashtra.

There are but two attractive hill resorts in Central India.

Mount Abu, on the Aravalli Range, in Rajasthan is about 1200 metres above the sea level. It has a lake and a cliff with a majestic view.

Panchgani, so called because it contains five hills, has a plateau on one side and cliffs falling into a valley on the other. About 237 kms from Bombay. Panchgani is a sanatorium town.

Saputara, the only hill resort in Gujarat, was a village inhabited solely by adivasis until 1965 when the Government decided to develop it. In fact, it is the only resort being built up according to modern town planning concepts. The place gains its name from a stone on which is the figure of a snake. Saputara is about 250 kms from Bombay.

In the South

The Nilgiris wear a garland of summer resorts.

Coonoor, 70 kms from Coimbatore, is the second largest of the three major hill stations in the Blue Mountains. Altitude 1860 metres, Coonoor is also noted for the Pasteur Institute, the pomological station (experimental orchards) and gardens and parks.

Kotagiri, which is named after the Kotas, the small tribe which was the original inhabitant of the area, is about 1829 metres above sea level and is sheltered by the doddabeta ranges. Kotagiri is 20 kms from Coonoor.

Ootacamud (Ooty), 2,286 metres, is shaded by sliver eucalyptus, and glades of blue gum and cypress in its rolling downs. It is 90 kms from Coimbatore and 160 kms from Mysore. A large lake for boating. Added attraction is the government botanical gardens which have a large variety of exotic and ornamental plants. During May, Ooty is the site of the spring flower show, the Nilgiri Horticultural Society show and dog show of South India Kennel Club.

Kodaikanal, the fourth important hill resort in Tamil Nadu, is 520 kms from Madras and 120 kms from Madurai. It stands on the southern crest of the Palni Hills. About 2,350 metres above sea level, a 24 hectare lake is the main attraction. Of note is the astrophysical laboratory founded in 1899.

Nandi Hills, 70 kms from Bangalore, was the summer resort of Tippu Sultan and four rivers rise here-the Pennar, the Chitravati, the Arkavati and the Palar.

Mercara, the most important town in Coorg, an area with martial traditions is 115 kms from Mysore, The source of the Cauvery is near Mercara.

Peermade and Munnar, in the high ranges of KErala, are in the midst of tea plantations. Peermade is on the way to the Periyar sanctuary and is 155 kms from Cochin.

Horsely Hills, 280 kms from Madras and 120 kms from Bangalore, is the only resort in andhra Pradesh. It is in Chittoor district.

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