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Buddhist Shrines

AJANTA AND ELLORA , the cave temples remain to this day the symbol of the creative and artistic forces inspired by Buddhism. The Ajanta chaples and monasteries are hidden deep inside rocky escapement. Thy are full of paintings and sculptures created more than 2,000 years ago. The frescoes describe Gautama, the Buddha, and illustrate the Jataka tales vividly. The Ajanta caves are believed to have been the second century B.C,. and the second century A.D. and the second the fifth century to the eigth century A.D. In fact, they thus span about one thousand years of building Ajanta is about 105 kms from Aurangabad or 60 kms by road from Jalgaon Ellora, 30 kms from Aurangabad, represents a harmonious and peaceful mixing of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain cultures. The Buddhist shrines are the oldest, dating back from the forth century to the ninth century A.D. and include the Viwhwakarma cave with a statue of the Buddha seated on a lion throne. There are two monasteries with large countryyards. But the biggest attraction at Ellora is the massive Kailasa temple is delicately chiselled from one huge rock.

AMARAVATI , 80 kms from Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh, stands on the banks of the river Krishna, and is also accessible from Guntur, 30 kms away. The Great Stupa at Amaravati is reputed to have been built in the second century B.C.

BHAJA AND KARLA CAVES,cut into the Western Ghats, are about eight kms from Lonavala which is about 128 kms from Bombay, Bhaja has a set of rock-cut stupas and a chaitya hall. Karla contains the largest and the most imposing of all chaitya halls in the Buddhist chapels to be found in the country, Constructed in the first century B.C.

BODH GAYA , just 10 kms from Gaya proper, is the site where, after a long quest, under the Bodhi tree and by the side of the river Nirayana, Guatama attained Enlightenment and bacame the Buddha. The huge Mahabodhi temple rises amid a cluster of stupas and monasteries. Inside the temple is a colossal gilded image of the Buddha sitting in repose. "The Shrine of the Walk" marks the footprints of the Buddha and to its west stands the Bodhi tree. A slab of red stone marks the seat of Enlightenment. To the south if the temple is the lotus pond in which the Buddha bathed and nearby are seven sacred sites where he passed seven weeks after Enlightenment dawned upon him.

KANHERI , about 40 kms from Bombay, houses 109 caves in one of which is found a colossal figure of the Buddha, with a set of Boddhisattvas on the wall.

KUSHINAGAR , 55 kms from Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh, is reputedly, the place to which the Buddha came in his 60 th year. Heare, on the banks of the Hirayavati river. the Buddha passed into parinirvana. The body of the Buddha was cremated at Kushinagar.

LUMBINI , the birthplace of Prince Siddhartha as Gautama was born is in Nepal but is easily accessible by road from Nowgarh, in Uttar Pradesh. It is about 180 kms from Gorakpur. There is a commemorative pillar built by Ashoka which carries the inscription, "Here the Buddha was born".

NAGARJUNAKONDA , about 150 kms from Hyderabad, had a flourishing Buddhist community 2,000 years ago and a mahastupa enshrines some of the relics of the Buddha. The waters of the Nagarjunasagar dam cover most of this site, but an island museum preserves some of the valuable scuptures.

NALANDA , about 100 kms from Patna, housed a vast monastic university from the fifth to the twelth century. There is an attractive museum.

RAJGIR , in a secluded green valley 90 kms from Patna, was the capital of the Magadha empire. The Buddha is said to have meditated at the Gridha Kuta peak and on the Vaibhara Hill are the caves where the first Buddhist council was held after the Buddha's parinirvana.

SANCHI , about 70 kms from Bhopal, has monasteries dating back to the fourth century P.C. The stupas of Samchi are Emperor Ashoka's tribute to his mother. A cluster of shrines, richly ornamented gateways and the Ashoka Pillar with the four lions are to be found at Sanchi.

SARNATH , where the Buddha preached the first sermon at the deer park and revealed the eight-fold path. The Mahabodhi Library has a rare collection of Buddhist literature; also a chinese temple and Tibetan monastery plus the great Dhamek stupa with eight projecting bays. Sarnath is near Varanasi.

SRAVASTI (Saheth-Maheth), where the Buddha performed a miracle to convincee sceptics. In a competition before King Prasenjit, the Buddha sat on a thousand petalled lotus and multiplied himself. Fire and water sprang from his body. By road or train from Lucknow to Balrampur which is 20 kms from Sravasti.

VAISHALI , about 45 kms from Patna, is where the Buddha announced his approaching nirvana. It is here that the famous countesan Amrapali paid homage to the Buddha who honoured her by eating a meal at her home. She presented the Buddha with the mango grove where he stayed during his many visits to Vaishali.

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