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Mamallapuram (Mahabalipuram), a drive of about an hour and a half from Madras, is the site of fantastic rock-cut temples built in the seventh century by Pallava emperors. Among them is the depiction of Arjuna's penance, in which the face of a huge rock is carved into a huge panel of relief sculptures depicting the legend of the river Ganga coming from its source high in the Himalayas. The bas relief is the largest such in the world and shows Arjuna in penance to get a boon from Shiva.

Then there is the Krishna Mandapa which shows Sri Krishna lifting the Govardhana hill to protect his clansmen from heavy rain. The final stages of development of Pallava Dravidian archiecture are to be seen in the shore temple where there are two shrines, for Shiva as well as Vishnu. Mamallapuram and nearby places have been developed as holiday resorts with excellent accommodation to suit different pockets. It is one of three sites chosen by he Government of India as an international beach resort. There are three roads from Madras to Mamallapuram and the shortest way, 51 kms, is via Adyar, Thiruvanmayur and Covelong Hotels, restaurants and cottages fashioned after traditional fishermen's huts have been developed on the long coastline between the outskirts of madras and Mamallapuram with splendid provision for bathing and swimming.

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