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Jaipur, surrounded by rugged hills and crowned by forts, is called the Pink City. It is so well laid-out as to be the envy of a modern planner. Now the capital of the State of Rajasthan, Jaipur was founded in 1728 by Maharaja Swami Jai Singh who was a keen astronomer. Houses with latticed windows line the streets and their rose pink colour is enchanting, particularly at sunset. The city's palaces have a large collection of ancient weapons but the most remarkable spectacle is Hawa Mahal (Palace of Winds). It is really a high and intricately carved wall from behind which women of the court could watch processions or military parades in the old days. Jaipur is famous for its craftsmanship in cutting and setting precious stones. There are several big and famous jewellers at Jaipur.

Eleven kms from Jaipur lies Amber whose seventeenth century palace and Hall of Victory are outstanding examples of architectural excellence. It was the ancient capital of a princely state untill Maharaja Jai Singh moved to Jaipur. Little is left of the old city except a few walls and a superbly carved temple. But within the seven gates, the inner citadel still stands, with its pillared courts and the palace with its inlaid mirror mosaic walls in Persian style.

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