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Bikaner, the northernmost of the big towns in Rajasthan, is in the Thar desert. About 550 kms from Delhi, Bikaner was founded in the 15th century. The city is surrounded by a battlement stone wall about seven kms in length and is famous for its camel corps. The most imposing structure in Bikaner is the fort built in the 16th century. The city is surrounded by a battlement stone wall about 7kms in length and is famous for its camel corps. The most imposing structure in Bikaner is the fort built in the 16th century. Inside the fort are several palaces, temples and mosques and a vast library and armoury. Chandra Mahal contains many riches inland with glass pieces and marble. Phool Mahal is decorated with glass and has many paintings and sculptures of Hindu gods. The Sheesh Mahal is decorated with glass and stucco work. A few kilo-metres outside the city is the Lallgarh Palace with a unique collection of paintings.

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