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Ajmer, about 130 km from Jaipur, is dominated by the ruins of a fort built in the seventh century by the Chauhan ruler, Ajayaraja. It is in a fort Ajmer built by Akbar that the first British Ambassador, Sir Thomas Roe was granted an audience by Emperor Jehangir. Being situated in the centre of Rajasthan, Ajmer has been the site of several battles. The attractive artificial Anasagar lake here was built in the 12th century and later Jehangir laid out the garden, Daulat Bagh, around the embankments of the lake whicgh lies between two hills. Successive Moghul emperors tried to beautify the city and because of its strategic position the moghuls often maintained a major military garrison in Ajmer, a practice follwed by the British in later years.

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