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Churches and Chapels

Goa, has numerous churches built by the Portuguese the most famous being the St. Chatherine's in Old Goa, St. Francis Xavier's Feast in old Goa is the most important festival and is celebrated with pomp and fervour in the bailica of Bom Jesus on December 3. all communities attend the festivities in honour of St. Xavier who is the patron saint of Goa and whose remains are encased in a silver casket on the main altar of the basilica the Immaculate Conception, the Patroness of Goa. Although the religious ceremonies reach their climax on December 8, for the whole preceding week there are festivities, including fireworks. Among the other notable Christian festivals in Goa are; Feast of Reis Magos, held at Verem and Guelim every January 6 to mark the coming of the three Kings of the East; Feast of Out Lady of Candelaria on February 2; Feast of Jesus the Nazarene, on the first Sunday after Easter; Procession of the Franciscan Third Order, on Monday following the fifth Sunday in Lent more than 40 life-size statues of saints are taken in procession; Festival of Nividades, on sheaves of the rice crop which are blessed in churches and temples; Fama de Menino Jesus at Colva: Hindus and Christians alike on a day in October flock to kiss the image of Child Jesus, cherished and honoured because of the favours bestowed on devotees.

Next to Goa, Madras perhaps is the most interesting for Christians, with the St. Thomas Mount where the apostle was reputed to have been killed, the Little Mount nearby, and the Cathedral of San Thome where Thomas is believed to have built a chapel and where he is believed to have been burried. Also, the oldest Anglican chapel in India is in fort. Attracting large numbers of devotees is the Velankanni Basilica of Our Lady, near Nagapatnam.

The syrian Orthodox Church in Kottayam is one of the oldest seats on Christianity in India, Near Kottayam is the shrine of Sister Alfons at Parananganam. many seek favours here because she is supposed to have performed miracles. Another famous church is the Mount Mary Church in Bandra, Bombay.

There are cathedrals and big churches for various denominations in almost all major cities, but only a few of them are of historical or special ritualistic interest.

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